Change means a person learns to deal differently with a life-sitution or redefines the mindset to find new behaviours and attitudes.
From a psychological and pedagogical point of view such individual change is more likely when actívating own resources and competences. As a result a person feels stronger, competenter and self-effective when dealing with any challenges.
Systemic coaching strenghtens such change processes because it assumes that individuals are embedded in unique life-systems, meaning that only the person itself bears solutions for personal development in alliance with individual values and needs.
The following figure shows some crucial topics we will be working on to foster your personal development.
Identifying personal core values and developing value-oriented actions
Finding of strengths and competences needed to achieve change and goals
Questioning / reframing of beliefs and developing helpful and cherishing ones
Learning about tools to self-reflect and foster positive thinking and wellbeing
Valuing and accepting emotions to identify and understand individual needs
Finding of existing resources that help affronting difficult life-circumstances